Friday, September 18, 2009


Writing this blog from the Rs' office eyrie... I can look out one set of windows and see Aiko and Yoshi's backyard, and the team of Friday gardeners; another set of windows looks out over Twister and Tinkerbell's house, where the house is being power-washed (and I bet both cats are in the basement right now!); and through another set I can see the Silver Lake Ditch (irrigation) flowing towards Githen's Acres. The place is light and bright - if I actually lived here, this would be my office space, too. I've already had the red kids out for a walk - they were getting excited while the luggage was being brought down, so we left early and returned just before the family departed, so everyone could say their good-byes. - And I still can't get my .exe files to work on my home PC, after I managed to get the virus out... I guess I'm just going to have to restart the entire programming system again... If I didn't have to sit and watch it, it wouldn't be bad. I'll probably do it Sunday evening, after I return home from the Rs house.
The kits saw the alarm clock go into the backpack this morning, but it was after they had been outside and had a good run. Lovey looked disgusted and Banichi started to snuggle as close as he could get. I'll be seeing them this evening, tomorrow morning, and early Sunday, and returning Sunday home afternoon - so it's not as if I'm not around at all. But the kits can always make me feel guilty. And I am looking forward to football this weekend.

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