Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

It was 48 degrees outside when I got up this morning - and the wind is beginning to rise.  The sunrise was pretty, but weird: the edge of the grey band of Chinook clouds is in the east, and the sun rose in colors of yellow and white.  Then the sun seemed to be an incandescent circle sitting on the edge of the horizon, before it rose behind he cloud bank...   With the Chinook of Thursday and our sunny and warm days for Thursday and Friday, the majority of the snow from last week's storm is gone.  In heavily shaded areas, there is still snow, and snow-and ice-packs on driveways persist in some place.  I think that after today's wind, much more snow will be gone.  But it's supposed to be in the teens tonight, with a high of 40 tomorrow - at least the New Year will begin brightly!
If John Denver were still with us, he'd be celebrating his 68th birthday today.  I miss his songs and his musical abilities.  My favorite song of his? "In Grandma's Feather Bed" - and then almost all of his number one singles would be tied for second place, in my list.
Did you know yesterday's couple?  They are Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, who starred in the Franco Zefferelli production of Romeo and Juliet, which was released to theaters in late 1968...
Happy New Year!

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