Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another Icy Day

It's 15 degrees out, and I can see snow falling in the mountains to the west. I've taken care of Sasquatch and Tugger, and have taken Rosie and Remy out for a short walk. Remy slipped and slid a lot, so the walk was only about a block long - but they got harnessed up and went out, and seemed content. My friend Bea and I are going out to have lunch tomorrow afternoon, before she has to go in and work. I'm trying to decide what I want for lunch and supper, plus whether I want to take meatballs with dipping sauce to the finger food get-together instead of the fruit tray... I'll have to cogitate on it awhile. I spoke with my good friend, Mary, in Florida last night. We caught up on the small incidents of life, but had the best time discussing old movies and TV westerns, and their stars. It was a soothing talk. I enjoyed it tremendously.
  Nedi and Lovey are miffed because it's still so cold out and the snow hasn't melted at all since it fell. They are getting a wild case of cabin fever and keep chasing each other all over the place, plus making sneak attacks on each other. That's the only problem with this apartment - the kits don't have room enough to really run. At least snow isn't on the ground most of the time, so they can stretch their legs out in the back yard. They are wonderful kits and so full of love.

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