Friday, February 15, 2013

Denver Dog Show; Rachel A.

Rachel Alexandra is in very serious condition following her abdominal surgery at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital. A part of her small intestine had perforated, and was removed; the abdominal cavity was washed out with large amounts of saline. Peritonitis is what is most feared...
  We had four inches of snow fall yesterday; the weather folks say we'll warm up through the weekend and then get more snow on Monday and Wednesday. I hope we get several feet. It would be enjoyable, and the ground - land - earth - really needs the precipitation. A week of light rain would be good, too.
  The 18th Annual Rocky Mountain Cluster Dog Show is taking place today through Monday at the National Western Stock Show Complex in Denver. The entrance fee is $5 per person. It's called a Cluster dog show because it is four separate all breed dog shows, obedience trials, rally trials and agility trials taking place under one roof over a period of four days. Strollers are not allowed at the dog show, as strollers place children's faces pretty much at a dog's mouth level - and all dogs, show dogs or not, do bite - this rule is to insure the safety of your child/children, as well as the safety of the dogs.
  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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