Saturday, March 3, 2018

Chatham Bend and Watson Photos

Edgar Anselm Watson
(He was known for having "crazy Watson eyes," which
showed the sclera under the iris.)

His house at Chatham Bend was the only place in Ten Thousand Islands that
had a coat of paint on it.  (It burned down in the 1940s)

Alligators were well-known visitors to the area

Later photo of Edgar J. Watson

The shore at the Smallwood Store on Chokoloskee - 
where Watson died in a hail of bullets

The endangered Florida panther is still found in the area

Ted Smallwood at this Smallwood Store door on Chokoloskee

(If you'd care to read a good, quick version about Edgar Watson, I suggest reading "The Legend of Chokoloskee" in The Oxford American magazine at:  )

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