Thursday, June 7, 2018

Foot In Mouth - Washington DC's Current Outbreak

I was amazed the other day, June 5th, when the spokesperson for the US State Department was trying to emphasize how close the US is with Germany's government, and she cited D-Day.  Since she was hired by the 45th Administration straight from "Fox and Friends," I guess I should have expected such stupidity.
   The President insisted on standing in front of the Marine Chorus while they sang "The Star Spangled Banner" and "God Bless America" - but he did not know the words to either song, and just appeared more stupid than usual.  At the same event, which was originally set up to congratulate the Philadelphia Eagles football team for winning the Super Bowl, 6 months ago, he had to bus in aides from Congress to make the crowd look like a crowd.  That was because the day before the event, he un-invited the football team from participating.  What was even better was that a white man in the crowd knelt in support of the football players during the singing of the National Anthem.
  And Sarah Suckabee Panders really made me laugh out loud when she stated that she, herself, has more credibility than the national and world-wide press organizations.
  Did you see (the Crypt Keeper) Smelly Ann Conway call 45 the "President in Cheese" in an interview?  She quickly corrected herself and secondly called him the President in Chief...  Which makes me really wonder why is "the President in Chief" a term?  Why those particular words?   Doesn't the term "President" already connote the meaning of leader, chief, head, etc?
   Anyway, enough of my nonsense - there's more than enough in Washington with Mueller's Special Counsel investigation, and Rudy Giuliani's three-ring circus stunts and interviews....  With 19 indictments and 5 guilty pleas, I think there is a heck of a lot that 45, Manafort and Cohen have tried to sweep under the rug.

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