Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Loud Night

It has been an interesting night and morning. One of the neighbors had a party that began about 8 p.m.; the police stopped by three times to get them to quiet down. Then, after the party broke up, there was a screaming match and fight between two women in the same apartment, which resulted in 3 more police visits between 1 and 5 a.m. - altogether, it was not a restful night. (And I was not the person who called the police - I'm pretty sure it was my neighbor, who does not like critters.... She's the one who says I should be living on a farm.) After having spent 9 hours at the NWSS yesterday, and then getting caught up in another thrilling adventure novel by Wilbur Smith (this one is The Eye of the Tiger) I did not get much sleep. I'm sure I'll sleep like a rock at Suki and Boo's tonight.

I met a very interesting lady at the NWSS yesterday - she studies chickens and her business card lists her as a "Chickenologist." She's looking for a couple of smaller-sized pigs to raise along with her chickens. The swine were not yet at the Stock Show, but will be arriving Sunday night, so we talked about chickens and breeds of pigs, and Chincoteague ponies. She was a very lovely person and we exchanged business cards.

I tried to sleep in this morning after the disturbed night, but Lovey and Banichi started serenading me at 6 a.m. - wanting their breakfast, and wondering why I wasn't up and dressed for walking. After spending yesterday on my feet, I decided not to walk this morning; but that is difficult to explain to a cat. I filled all the bird and squirrel feeders this morning, and the kits are currently lying inside the doorway, in the sun, watching for possible victims. Only Lovey's pigeon has shown up, and flew off when Lovey decided to chase it. I'll soon be driving Kathy and Jim to DIA for their flight to Phoenix; they're both running in the P F Chang Rock'n'Roll Marathon tomorrow. I'll be walking Suki and Boo on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday; and the Irish kids Monday through Thursday, so I'll be staying busy. Have a good weekend!

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