Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday's Saga

Wow. The new grass in the backyard seems to grow every time you look away from it. There is a fine veil of green appearing all over the black topsoil that was spread. My neighbor who complained about me feeding the birds and squirrels walked out into the backyard this morning, and left her patio door wide open. Next thing I heard was her scream from inside her apartment because one of my friendly squirrels had gone inside her open door by mistake - she chased it out and it ran to the fence for protection. Luckily it didn't to a 180 degree turn and run back into my place, where it had been eating peanuts. Not much going on... since I don't have the bird feeders up, more earthworms seem to be committing hari-kari on the concrete patio. I didn't give this much thought until I found that Banichi (with his penchant for string) was gathering dead worms and lining them up in the bath tub. - Oh, the joys of having a little boy!

Let's see.... Horses. Zenyatta, the undefeated 5-year-old mare, ran her first race since the Breeder's Cup Distaff (7 months ago) and won easily by 4 1/2 lengths; she was ridden by her regular jockey Mike Smith. She's a perfect 10 for 10. * In Ireland, at the Curraugh, Mastercraftsman won the 2,000 Irish Guineas for trainer Aidan O'Brien; he was ridden by Johnny Murtagh. The winner is a chestnut son of stallion Danehill Dancer. ... The Denver Nuggets lost their first home game in the Western Division NBA playoffs last night - the Lakers now lead the series 2 to 1. ... The Bolder Boulder is expected to have more than 50,000 participants tomorrow. I know of one racer from Washington, DC, two from Jacksonville, FL, three from Boston, and three from Seattle. The Boulder Chamber of Commerce says that the out-of-towners spend an average of $285 per day into the local economy, and quite a few come early for the race to acclimatize to the altitude, and then stay for another week to be tourists.

High temperatures have not been what the weathermen have expected - they said we'd have temps in the 70s, with occasional rain. We've had temps in the low to mid-60s, with quite a bit of rain. I am not complaining. The ground can use it! We haven't had searing temps with low humidity since last Wednesday, when it was 91, with a humidity of 8%... This has made a nice break, other than the fact there have been showers for the Boulder Creek Festival.
I finished reading Clive Cussler's Corsair last night - I couldn't go to sleep until I finished reading it. If you like action-adventure that's tied into news headlines, it's definitely a book for you to read! I met a new friend on FaceBook yesterday -we had agreed to be friends several days ago, and I read his profile and looked at his photos with interest, and then looked up the city he lives in - Accra, Ghana. To my surprise, in the middle of Instant Messaging yesterday evening, Samuel gave me a call from the marketplace in Accra. He seem to be a very nice young man, and wants to make contacts/network all over the world - and he is very interested in community development. I hope things go well for him.
Have a great Sunday! And please remember those veterans who have given their service and their lives to keep our nation free.

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