Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Nice Day

Wow, it was 50 degrees outside when I got up this morning - I knew it had cooled down during the night, because I had pulled the covers up sometime. Walked the red kids, then visited my kits, then walked the Gs this morning. I returned to the house to find the guys here cutting down the two aspens, although they said they'd be here mid-afternoon (it was 11 a.m.). Had lunch with brother-in-law Jim, and then we shifted two large items in my apartment; it's now almost exactly the way I want it set up. After Jim left, I spent time loving on and playing with Neddy and Lovey - they are not happy dealing with newly rearranged furniture. But, other than that, they are both doing wonderfully well. Neddy is just over 4 months old now, and, for the moment, seems like he'll be a cobby-type cat - square and boxy, where Lovey is long and lean. His eyes have settled on a golden yellow with a hint of green, and it seems he has only a few tufts of long fur around his ears and jaw plus an extremely bushy tail. What's really weird is that he has developed a lot of Banichi's personality and play characteristics.... Hmmmmm....
We have a smoldering fire under control here in Boulder County - it was originally 900 tons of newly baled hay; it was quite a conflagration to begin with, but is expected to burn itself out in two more days. ... This past Sunday, the Boulder Valley Humane Society had 120 cats and kittens up for adoption at the shelter, so they declared a Free Adoption Day, and found homes for 97 of the felines in 8 hours. ... The trainer of Zenyatta is delaying his decision about running her in the Clement L Hirsh Handicap on Saturday - she has drawn post 5, and is carrying more weight than any other filly or mare in the race. It will also be the effort to win her 18th straight race, and it's over a new racing surface at Del Mar (Bing Crosby's old track). My only comment is, "Go, big girl, go!"

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