Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Adopt a Dog at Half-Cost!

This month is Adopt a Dog month at the Humane Society of Boulder Valley.  There are currently 47 doggies available for adoption at the Society, and 39 are 6 months old or older, qualifying for the half-cost discount.  When you adopt any creature from the Humane Society, they are already spayed or neutered, they are up-to-date on their necessary vaccinations, they are micro-chipped, and you get a free vet visit as follow-up for a new owner.  Unfortunately, there are also 98 cats and kittens who still need loving homes, too.  A lot of these pets have been surrendered due to the economy.  If you can afford a pet, and have the love and time for one, please adopt one, or sponsor one at your local Humane Society!

We've had temperatures in the 80s for the past week, and some gusty winds in the evening, but no rain.  The wind is supposed to be picking up again this evening and it's predicted to blow into Friday.  This morning the weather folks said that we'd have highs in the 70s for the next 2 days, and then in the 60s for Friday and the weekend.  We'll see.  -  Five years ago in October, when I got my bus pass photo ID, I was wearing a turtleneck and a coat.  In yesterday's photo, I have a T-shirt on.  I arrived to get my ID at 12:05, as the place is only open from 12 until 2, and only on Mondays.  There are 6 chairs in the office for folks waiting their turn, plus the person who is getting their ID....  I was tenth in line outside the door when I arrived.  I finally got my new ID at 1:10, and headed back to Sammie and Tuppurr.  -  Tuppurr slept in bed with me Saturday night, and Sammie slept on the floor beside my bed.  Sunday night, Tuppurr spent the first half of the night with me, and Sammie slept in the doorway of the room.  Last night, Tuppurr stayed in the kitty play room, and Sammie slept downstairs.  Does familiarity breed contempt?  I don't know (maybe my snoring was too much to handle).  But I'm happy that Barbara and Bill will be back this afternoon for their "kids."

My kits have been all over me this morning.  I got up, watched the sun rise as I walked Sammie, had a quick bite for breakfast (after feeding Sammie and Tuppurr), and then walked Rosie and Remy.  Remy's hip is still sore.  He is just not walking normally.  So we only walked for 40 minutes and only covered half our usual distance.  Then I came home to the kits.  Lovey swarmed all over me, as has Nedi.  Nedi has nursed on my right arm, as usual.  I've sat on the sofa, looking at mail and giving love and attention to Mocha.  I've got to head back to Sammie and Tuppurr's soon - but I'll be back here before suppertime  and will be able to sleep with my kits.  Tomorrow afternoon I move in with Tessa, Lilly, Lyra and Dhisana (not to mention the koi and the three bee hives),,,  But, tonight - home with my kits for NCIS.  Yea!!!

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