Thursday, January 5, 2012

Heat Wave

Something must be wrong - it's January 5 and the temperature was 50 degrees when I took Rosie and Remy out this morning.  It's 11:30 now, and nearing 60.  Isn't it winter?  The snow has completely melted in my back yard - though it's very evident in shady places elsewhere - and there is still plenty of ice from snow-pack on shady roads and in parking lots...  The kits did not want to come inside so I could go walk the Irish kids this morning; I had to chase Nedi up and down the fence line three times before he allowed me to grab him. (Usually he runs inside at my first call.)  Then we were having a super walk, when Rosie smelled something extremely interesting on, or in, the ice.  She had tos sniff it, so Remy had to take a good sniff, too.  But Remy slipped getting off the ice, and he was walking pretty gingerly, so we went home early.

Yesterday, a 23-year-old female CU student was legally crossing the street, in a cross-walk, with a walk sign, when someone driving an SUV plowed into her.  She is in the hospital, in serious condition, with head and internal injuries.  The SUV driver never slowed down, or stopped.  But the SUV's grille broke apart from the impact, and police hope to get a lead on the driver from that evidence.  ....   And over in Longmont, police have identified one of four teen-aged boys who might be charged with aggravated felony against an animal.  Sunday, an SUV with four boys in it, stopped in a neighborhood; one boy got out of the vehicle, and rounded up a flock of Canada geese that were feeding in someone's yard.  The boy chased the geese out into the road, and then (quickly) walked away.  The boy behind the wheel, then stepped on the gas - killing 3 of the geese, and severely injuring a fourth.  Neighbors who saw it happen, called 911, and one man took the injured goose to an avian sanctuary, where it is in "stable" condition.  I hope those boys get the book thrown at them - this wasn't an accident; it was cold-bloodedly planned!  ....  And Colorado State University has named their new Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science.  It will be Dr. Mark Setter, the Disney executive in charge of animal operations and safety on all of the Disney produced TV shows and movies.

The National Western Stock Show Parade begins in a few minutes!  I've got to run!

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