Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pet- and House-Sitting

It was overcast and chilly all of yesterday; today  there are beautiful blue skies, and the temperature has risen from 25 to 34 degrees.  We're expecting a high in the mid-50s this afternoon, so I hope to be sitting in sunshine and reading outside later.  My kits have run around and are back inside, and I'll head back to Boo as soon as I finish blogging.
  I've had three new sets of people contact me, in hope of me being available to pet- and house-sit for them, but the dates they request have been already booked by my regular clients.  I feel bad about turning them down, but I want to do a good job when I work for them, so I have turned them all down.  Then they want to know "how early" they need to book me for.  I've told all the new folks that are calling and e-mailing that I'm back up to 25 houses that I care for, and really cannot, with good conscience, accept more. They all seem to want to go away at the same time, and I simply cannot split myself into pieces and get the work done.  Nor do I trust anyone enough to hire on as help - I have keys to all of the houses, know all the security and gate codes, and have access to all kinds of vehicles - but my main point is that I don't know if another person is actually "good" with the animals if I'm not there.  I've had several people offer to work for me, but I just can't take the risk - and once the people hear what I charge, they want me to charge more...  And it's not their business, it's mine.  (Grrrrr....)

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