Friday, January 23, 2015


I was looking at the mountains as I walked back to my apartment this morning, and I realized that I haven't seen the Indian Peaks in a couple of weeks.  I could easily see Boulder's peaks and the Flatirons, I could see Sugarloaf with it's cover of snow, and I could see Mount Audubon - but nothing further away.  There was/is a huge cloud bank a little farther west, which obscured the view.  It was warm yesterday, and the snow has partially melted from the back yard.  The grass looks pretty scruffy, with small tufts sticking up here and there through snow, and a few bare patches.  We might get some rain or snow this afternoon, but then we're supposed to be in the 60s Monday and Tuesday.  That will be very welcome!  I know my kits will be happy to be able to dig in the dirt for a few days - they prefer to use the bathroom outside, but if there's snow on the ground, or the ground is frozen, they hurry back inside to the litter boxes.
  I was all ready for the first Grand Jury meeting last night - it was scheduled to begin at 6 p.m., and they had said they'd have food and drinks available for us.  Since my food allergies are so weird, I delayed my breakfast and lunch, hoping I wouldn't feel like I was starving by the time we were dismissed.  I also re-read the 60-plus page booklet of instructions.  I took some trash out to the dumpster yesterday afternoon, and I then checked my e-mail - it was 3:30.  There was a message from the court, in screaming caps, that the meeting was cancelled. I responded that I had received the e-mail, and asked if the meetings were frequently cancelled on such short notice.  The reply was, "Yes. Check your e-mails frequently."   I really dislike planning for something and having it cancelled at the last minute...
   My sister Kathy is having her third chemo-therapy treatment today.  Almost all of her hair has fallen out at this point in time, but she's still presenting a sunny, smiling face.  Her biggest complaint is that she has no energy, and she has always been a busy, busy lady.  Not being able to do things is the only item that makes her blue.
   And the "vicious dog" story is still going full strength in Githens Acres.  I have removed myself from the tumult.  The person who has the dog on her property caused a fire storm yesterday by sending out an e-mail that made very little sense, and that ended with her telling people that if they want to walk their dogs on the easement (which she still calls her driveway) and be certain they will be safe, they need to call her and schedule a time.  That has not been taken well...

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