Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snow, Beautiful Snow

Yesterday morning's snow was damp and crystalline; it paused for a few hours and then came back light and fluffy for another 5 or 6 hours.  I didn't see any new signs of snow late last night, but we had that tiny, crystalline snow again this morning, beginning about five.  Then it turned light and fluffy, and now it's falling, once again, as a fine powder.  I'll take photos around town today, as I have several houses to visit, and multiple pets to see, along with dogs to walk.  At least it's 14 degrees out, and the wind is at 3 mph.   There was an accumulation of  about seven inches yesterday, and it's expected to snow throughout the day and night, slowly tapering off Monday morning.  I ran into the ABCs yesterday, and Len stated that Susan had a cold, but he was certain they'd be heading up to Snow Mountain Ranch on Monday, as planned.  I hope that either Camilla or Lynn can return home today or tomorrow, so I can come back home, before going over to stay at the ABCs for three nights.
   The squirrels have been feeding ravenously this morning - they've already zipped through a pound of walnuts and Brazil nuts, but aren't touching the sunflower seeds out for the birds.  Guess  I'll put out another pound and a half of nuts before heading back to Tess's.  And I'll stop by Bop and Tiko's on the way back, so I can get that morning stop completed.  My kits ran outside this morning, took one good long look, and came right back in.  Lovey is curled up on my fleece vest on the bed, and Nedi is nestling in the dirty clothes basket.  I'll leave the heat lamp on in the bathroom for them, too.
   Elaine Clevenger, who lived down the street from our house from 1961 until she was married in 1977, sent a surprise gift to me this week.  She and her husband, Russ, have just completed sailing "The Loop," up the Intercoastal Waterway, through the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes, then back down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico.  When they reached Fort Myers, they arrived in time for an Arts and Crafts Festival - and what was the first thing Elaine saw?  A whole display of photos of Chincoteague ponies!  She immediately purchased two of her favorites and sent me one.  What a wonderful surprise!   -    Much better than snow!

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