Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Lying By the Numbers...

It's taken several days for the Blogger page to let me back on to post again...  Today I'm going on a political tear, so if you do not like the current President, read on.
  The 45th President was sworn into office in a ceremony that began at noon on 20 January 2017. The second anniversary of his swearing in happened a little over two days ago. On 20 January 2019, the orange monstrosity had been "serving" as President of the United States for 730 days, or 17,520 hours. As far as we know, he has not been golfing since the partial government shutdown began 33 days ago.  The people at The Washington Post, the very same newspaper that broke the story of Watergate back in 1972, has been keeping count of how many outright lies and "misstatements" of truth which have poured from the President's mouth.
  At the two year mark - 730 days, or 17,520 hours - the number of lies and misstatements was totaled at 8,158.  The President did not lie on 82 of those days - they were days he was golfing.  The press has no idea what kind of lies he did, or did not, make while out golfing with his cronies.  The 8,158 lies and misstatements of fact that he made were things that were stated publicly, on camera. By doing simple math, one learns that the President of the United States lies 12.589506 times each day he has spoken in public; or 1.906 times in each hour of the day.
   Of course, we also know that he usually only arrives in the Oval Office "to work" at about 11:30 each morning, and he is back watching television in his bedroom by 5:00 each night.  So, if we ignore the time he spends eating his daily lunch, he spends 5 1/2 hours each day "working" and telling lies to the nation that elevated him to the Presidency. If he makes all of his public comments during those hours that he "works," which means he was working 3,564 hours in the last two years, then he was spouting lies and misstatements at the rate of 2.289 per hour, or a little over 9 every 4 hours....
  So, if this person in the White House is "working" in his office 5 1/2 hours each day, then he's off, doing his own person stuff, for 18 1/2 hours a day.  He's watching the Fox News networks, he's tweeting, he's making personal phone call to his friends and people around the world (including world leaders) on an unsecured cell phone.  He's eating his fast food from McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Domino's Pizza, and Kentucky Fried Chicken.  He's holding consultations with his three eldest children, and their wives and husband, on family business matters.
  According to Title 3 of the United States Code, the US President "shall earn" a salary of $400,000 each year, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 each year for entertainment costs.  Like most US government employees, the President, and his family, receives benefits in addition to the above monies, each and every year.  So he gets $469,000 in pay, which he pays taxes on; plus $100,000 in free travel expense money that he does not have to pay taxes on.  In short; he receives $569,000 - a bit over a half-million dollars each year, plus benefits.
   When he was a candidate, the (now) 45th President denigrated the golfing habits of the President Barack Obama, and stated that he would never have time to be on the golf course, if he was elected, because he would be too busy "running the country."
   A newspaper article, which has been fact-checked, came out on 6 September 2018 - 4 months ago - showing that the President has spent 153 days at golf properties that he owns, and that, as of that time, we taxpayers had to pay $300,675 for golf cart rentals only, so the Secret Service could cover and protect 45 while on the links.  Most of those golf cart charges came from Mar-a-Lago, which the President owns; so we are paying him to be the President, and then paying him again to use golf carts to protect him while he is playing golf.
   Oh - and, as of 6 September 2018, we United States taxpayers have footed the bill of the President's golf outings to the tune of over $77 million.
   Not only does the man lie out of both sides of his mouth, he is raping the taxpayers of this country.  It's a shame that we, the people, are allowing him to do this.

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