Saturday, June 14, 2008

Quiet Days

It's been quiet here lately - actually, not quiet, because the birds and squirrels can be very noisy - but there hasn't been much to comment on. We've had a few cool days and there's been snow in the high country - mountaintops that were brown and green once again have snow on them - but we are expecting temperatures in the 90s today and upper 80s for the next few following, so the snow will once again disappear. Boulder Creek is running in full spate from the snow melt, it's close to the bank tops and is very cold - excellent for tubing in town and/or kayaking higher up.

I'm slowly recovering from my bout with pneumonia. I'm still coughing, but a lot less than previously, and my nose is still filling up (but that's probably due to all the pollen and molds in the air). I got up early and walked 3 miles this morning - was winded and tired at the end of it, but I hope to get back to my regular 5 miles within the next two weeks.

Currently working on family tree research and doing a few "day jobs" for critters that only need me for an hour or so a day - the kits snuggle up close at night and I'm content.

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