Thursday, May 14, 2009

Exploring the Yard at Topaz

After having a canine play-date in the backyard, and then having returned the Irish kids to their home, I opened the sliding glass door to my sister's backyard and let Lovey and Banichi explore their one acre backyard. It took them about 5 minutes to decide it was OK to walk onto the patio, and that was with me sitting on the far side, giving verbal encouragement the entire time. They both stepped out into the grass and then immediately hopped back up onto the patio; then they parted ways - Banichi went to the west, exploring the rear side of the house, along with the apple trees and wild roses; Lovey headed north across the backyard, straight at the tool shed and garden. Banichi explored silently, stepping carefully; Lovey kept up a loud conversation with me, except when she climbed a willow, chasing a squirrel. Banichi slowly drifted over to join Lovey, and we proceeded along the line of the Silver Lake irrigation ditch, which runs through the backyard. Seeing two does by the back fence, I stopped at the corner of the shed to watch the cats. Lovey scented them first, crouching into the grass, and moving slowly forward; Banichi just walked on towards the two mule deer. The closest deer was about a yard away from Lovey's nose, when it pulled up it's head and snorted and stamped a front hoof. I have never seen Lovey so fluffed up; I have never before seen the two of them run so fast; and they made a bee-line straight for the door and ran inside and upstairs to be certain they were safe. It was a fun experience. Dogs, and cats, and deer; oh, my!!

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