Monday, May 11, 2009

Lots of Wildlife

It stayed cool and cloudy yesterday, with occasional showers. The clouds are supposed to break up around noon , and then we'll have a high of about 70; but they've fore casted 85 for tomorrow. I had a marvelous walk this morning; the clouds and fog were covering the foothills, and I saw 3 fox families, 2 skunks, 7 raccoons, and over 30 deer (and, marvel of marvels, Suki and Boo didn't bark at anything). A neighbor and I were discussing how there is a large amount of wrens and kinglets in the area, while the larger birds seem to be around in fewer numbers, except for the increased number of blue jays. A group of 5 blue jays came into the yard yesterday, and I was quite thrilled to be able to hear their voices - blue jays are still a rarity out here.

Both kits slept in bed with me last night; and I laughed this morning, because Suki decided it was breakfast time at 5:20, and every time she would whine or bark, Lovey would give a little burble, as if she was asking, "What's wrong with her?" I'm not sure why Suki thought I'd feed her early; I know Kathy and Jim do, but I won't feed the girls breakfast until after 6 a.m., and dinner is fed at 6:30 in the evening. The kits are enjoying exploring both levels of the house plus the solarium, and they've already picked out 3 favorite bird-watching spots. I'll be heading over to the red kids about 9:45 for their usual morning walk.

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