Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Short Blogs at Odd Times Thru Friday

The computer at Kathy and Jim's house will currently only allow me to (sometimes) check my e-mail, and look something up on the Google search engine, but as soon as I try to go to an URL other than google, the PC shuts down... go figure.

So I've made a quick trip home - The kits are really enjoying the larger house and all the different views at Kathy and Jim's; and I think that even Lovey rather enjoys being the center of the dogs' attention. I'll try to drop by both tomorrow and Friday to put a few words in, but don't know when it will be each day. Thank goodness I'm back home with the kits on Friday evening! I took the red kids over t o Suki and Boo's and we had a party in the back yard yesterday - I filled a large tub with water and also cleaned out and filled the bird bath (which sits on the ground), so the dogs had plenty of places to drink from. Rosie would go and drop her bone in the tub, step in with both front feet, and proceed to make a whirlpool with her paws. The other three drank genteely and didn't play in the water. It was 85 yesterday; today the high might be 67, and it's very windy out.

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