Friday, September 25, 2009

Critters and Gold

At 2 this morning, I awoke and thought I was caught in the middle of an artillery barrage - the kits were sleeping soundly beside me, and then it started again. It was one of the noisiest thunderstorms I've ever been under; the rain was pouring down, lightning was flashing everywhere and the booms of thunder were just incredible. It was a wonderful storm, and will hopefully help move this low pressure system away from Boulder. Every day this week the weather folks have said that the system would be moving on to the east "tomorrow"; this is the fifth tomorrow and I'm tired of grey, blah, cool weather. If the sun was shining and it was cool, it would be different - Grrrrrrrr! I'm off in a few minutes to walk Rosie and Remy, and then go over to Cloudy and Shady's house for the weekend. (And the un-ranked South Carolina Gamecocks beat #4 ranked Ole Miss last night. He,he, he!) I just looked over my shoulder and Gimpy is stuffing himself with nuts just inside the patio door....

I am very interested in finding out more about the "Staffordshire Hoard" which was recently announced in England. An unemployed metal detector club member was wandering through a newly-plowed field in early July of this past summer, when he got a strong reading. So far over 1,300 artifacts have been found, and archaeologists are hoping to find another 200 or so as they sift through 56 tons of dirt from that field. The items date from the Anglo-Saxon period and include a large number of decorated sword hilts and knife handles. Scientists are hypothesizing that this "hoard" was a cache of a warrior's trophies; hidden at a time of war and never before recovered. (Of course, during the Anglo-Saxon period, there was almost constant tribal warfare.) And, being impatient, I want to know more now!!!

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