Tuesday, January 19, 2010

...And a Gracious Good Morning to You!

I have a blueberry, huckleberry and strawberry pie in the oven; once it's done, I'll head around the corner and walk the Rs. If you find a lot of typos today, please blame Banichi, who thinks Jim's keyboard is the only possible place to sit. I'll take the kits home this afternoon on my way to DIA to pick up Kathy and Jim - they've been in Phoenix, running in a marathon. Brought the kits with me so I wouldn't have to run back and forth every day while I was here; the kits have had a ball running up and down the staircase, and attacking the dogs (Suki and Boo) from above like kamikaze pilots. The Rs have been super in behavior - they even ignored their arch-enemy, Brio, while he was in their yard! They listen and do their best to follow the guidelines you lay down for them.
I see Dr. Repine about my knee tomorrow just before noon. I'll have to see what exactly he says, as it's been very painful recently. And I have my usual sinusitis and bronchitis fling going on - I cough and cough and cough, and have blown my nose 'til it's raw. Yuck. - But, while baking yesterday and today, I wore a surgical mask, ate tons of throat lozenges, and washed my hands frequently. Once I had the brownies and scones cooled off and packaged is when I finally uncovered my face - don't want to give anyone anything nasty. Thursday I hope to start daily postings once again... I'll be at Alexy's with Cloudy and Shady for the up-coming week. And on Thursday, I'll let you know what the ortho-Doc says about my knee. I put a huge pile of peanuts out for Gimpy before I brought the kits over here on Friday - I hope that he's still got a few in reserve for today.
It's a nasty, grey overcast day with the possibility of snow falling. They are predicting snow again on Saturday - and I've read the BF Oliphant mysteries, and am about to begin the third Jean Fairbairn/Alaisdair Cameron by Lillian Stewart Carl. I'm looking forward to it! Enjoy your week!

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