Saturday, September 14, 2013

Boulder Colorado's 100-Year Flood

We got more than 14 inches of rain in less than 3 days.  I am living in an apartment on Boulder Creek - on the north end of two rectangular buildings.  The flood waters stopped 100 feet from my apartment.  I am currently house-sitting at my sister and brother-in-law's house in North Boulder.  They have the Silver Lake Irrigation Ditch running through their back yard, and Four Mile Creek runs on the east side of the property.  The Creek started flooding Wednesday night.  I evacuated my cats from the apartment to the house on Thursday.  Four Mile Creek jumped its' banks, joined the irrigation ditch, and ran rampant through the neighborhood, but did not get more than 90 feet of the house and garage.  We were very lucky and very blessed.  A lot of people have 6 feet of water in their basements - the apartment building, on the south end, had 6 inches of Boulder Creek inside.   I know people who have lost possessions, but, thankfully, only four lives have been lost due to the flooding.

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