Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Storm?

For the last ten days, Boulder has had warnings about a huge winter storm that was due to arrive yesterday evening.  We were warned to be prepared for several days of snow and Arctic temperatures.  Yesterday's local newspaper shouted that we would have at least four inches of snow on the ground by morning.
  It was very windy yesterday, but the temperatures were up in the low 40s.  I wore my coat, hat and gloves.  We had high winds in the afternoon and early evening with gusts up to 80 miles per hour.  The wind died well before 7 p.m., and all was quiet when I turned out my reading light at midnight.
  The cats let me sleep in until 7 this morning.  I awoke to see bright blue skies and glaring sunshine.  It was only 5 degrees (F) outside, but there was no snow to be seen.  Late last night, the snow warning was changed to start about noon today.  This morning, we're being told the snow will begin this evening, and that we'll have 6 inches on the ground by morning. Uh-huh.    I'll believe it when I see it.
   In the meantime, Bea and I had left-over ham for lunch yesterday and turkey for supper.  We'll probably have ham for lunch again, but we've agreed on having pizza for supper.  While I was out this morning, I purchased a nice, plump baking hen for tomorrow's supper - I think we'll have sweet potatoes and a vegetable medley with it.  And I'll either make gingerbread, or a devil's food cake for us to munch on...
    Hope all of you have a good week!

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