Friday, January 13, 2017


My nightmare this morning tied in with my blog of yesterday - I awoke from my sleep, screaming, then I choked, and coughed for about ten minutes.  I dreamed that supporters of the President-Elect were very angry with me for stating my views on Blogspot - and that his newly-appointed Inquisitors were chasing me down to torture and brainwash me.  (Which is quite a laugh, because I really am a nobody in today's society.)  However, in my dream, this man's Inquisitors had the same powers that the Catholic Church gave their followers for the Spanish Inquisition...  and I was scared witless in my dream.  The people were chasing me through what seemed to be a hospital building, and, for some stupid reason, I thought I could lose them in the three stories of basements.  I ran and ran and ran and ran - and I could always hear them behind me.  I finally hit a dead-end; there was no way out.  I was cornered, trapped.    The two approached me - dressed all in black: black sneakers and socks, black trousers peeking out from underneath black robes that were tied with black ropes.  There were black gloves on their hands, and the robes had  thick cowls around the necks and heavy hoods that fell forward, in a peak, so that their faces were always in shadow.  They were ...  ominous.   I was crouching, with my back wedged into a corner - I was sweating  from the long run, panting for air, and crying hysterically.  As the two approached me from each side, they slowly pulled back their hoods, moving in unison, as if controlled by one mind.  The ultimate horror awaited me, as I realized they both looked exactly like their orange master.  I began to scream....
   I woke up, screaming, then I choked because my throat and mouth were so dry, and then I started dry, hacking coughs.  I finally managed to get a sip of water and take an herbal cough drop....   What are my dreams going to become when he is actually sworn in as President of the United States?

   And, on a sadder note, the herd of ponies on the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge have diminished by two...   Wild Bill succumbed to old age  before the holidays.  Tidewater Princess, a beautiful palomino pinto mare, was humanely euthanized yesterday.  The Princess had been on specialized antibiotic treatments since September for an infection in her hoof.  She'd seem better, but then the infection would attack again.  Thankfully, she is no longer suffering.   -  Adieu, ponies....

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