Monday, December 31, 2018

"Swamp Cancer" Cause of Four More Chincoteague Pony Deaths

On the afternoon of 28 December, a somber group of veterinarians, pony lovers, and members of the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company's Pony Committee made the difficult and heart-rending decision to euthanize the last four ponies that were infected with equine pythiosis, also known as "swamp cancer."   Seven ponies were identified having the disease at the Fall Round-up in mid-October.  They all had round-the-clock care, veterinarian visits every other day, surgeries to remove infected areas, medications galore - antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and several new drugs in the test phases.  None of these remedies worked.  Having lost three ponies earlier, and watch this disease enter into bones, it was decided that putting the ponies down was truly best.  They would suffer no more.
    So far, all ponies infected have been females - mares and fillies.  Pictured below are the four girls who survived the longest, although Lyra's Vega had the longest fight, lasting nine months.   Crossing the Rainbow Bridge to green pastures were 13-year-old TSG's Elusive Star, 5-year-old Calcetin'n (a daughter of Lyra's Vega), 3-year-old Shadow, and 2-year-old Lightning…..
    Rest in peace, beautiful girls!

Elusive Star




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