Saturday, December 22, 2018

Winning Bids on Late-Born Chincoteague Pony Foals - Photos

I have to admit that I was surprised by the winning bids on the four late foals that were sold via a silent, mail-in auction.  I was also surprised at the few numbers of bids received, especially after the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company announced on Facebook that they had "received lots of enevelopes" at the special Post Office box.  Number of bids and the amount of the winning bids were announced, but the proud new owners were not named.
   The following photos of the foals were taken at the Carnival Grounds, where the foals are currently located, with their dams. The photos were taken after a big rain storm....

  #70 - Bay pinto filly; sired by Maverick, out of 15 Friends of Freckles
           4 bids received; winning bid was  $13,005.00

   #71 - Medicine Hat Chestnut pinto colt; sired by Wild Thing, out of Thetis
            3 bids received; winning bid was  $2,500.00 

   #72 -  Bay filly; sired by Maverick, out of Jessica's Sea Star Sandy
             1 bid received; winning bid was  $1,500.00

  # 73 - War Bonnet Bay pinto colt; sired by Wild Thing, out of Dakota Sky's Cody 2 Socks
             3 bids received; winning bid was  $2,700.00

All four of these foals will leave the island once they are old enough to be weaned.

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