Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dreams of Mauda LuAnn

The two dogs that I'm caring for are both hard of hearing; the male can't climb stairs, but he can go down them, and the female doesn't want what's in her bowl - she wants human food. So she completely refused to eat her breakfast this morning, while waiting to see if she could get some of my waffle... Sammy, the cat, slept on top of me or beside me all night long, and has decided I'm his best buddy. While I am enjoying their company, they simply aren't my babies - and it's weird to realize how much I miss them; especially as I will have been gone for about 30 hours only when I return. Perhaps this is how they feel with me gone? (Yeah, right... I know....)

Rosie and Remy were delightful yesterday, but I set off the burglar alarm and was a captive in the house until a neighbor came over with the code. During that time, Rosie collected the ball I gave her from her toy basket, and we proceeded to have a game of toss and catch until Mary arrived with the magic numbers. I was embarrassed, but otherwise fine. So within two weeks, the house has had a fire alert and an intruder alert filed into the system... At least I was responsible for only one of those alerts, and got to talk to some interesting folks on the telephone about setting the system off....

Last night I dreamed I was riding Mauda LuAnn, 'my' old Quarter horse mare, through the woods near the house where I grew up. It was an extremely vivid dream, and she was looking beautiful, strong, and proud. In the dream we were heading for a ravine, because we were being followed and we wanted to lose the trackers... Other than that, I have no memories of what happened; but she was warm and had her summer coat, and I was riding bareback and, even though we were being followed, we weren't afraid... It was a very pleasant dream!

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