Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

"There's no place like home." It's an age-old platitude, but is very true - whether referring to your den, residence, neighborhood, town, area, country, or world. I was always amazed at the amount of questions that the Environmental Protection Agency received each year about Earth Day - when was it and what was the EPA sponsoring. Earth Day began as a grass-roots movement, and other than sponsoring a few localized events in DC, the EPA has absolutely nothing to do with Earth Day... other than the fact that they support its premise and goals. Of course, I learned a lot about what the EPA does and doesn't do during my 5 year stint there - and found that most Americans have no true idea what "powers" the EPA has and doesn't have. Check out their web site at - it'll be an eye-opener!

I'm back at home with my kits, as of 10 p.m. last night. Lovey immediately claimed her space on my body, while it took Banichi until 4 this morning to bring me his dream-catcher and his shoe-strings. Nichi-ji has been very quiet and rather limp after his ordeal - but seems to be returning to his usual self. I walked the Irish kids around the elementary and middle schools yesterday, and then had a short visit with Suki and Boo. Silver Lake Ditch was flowing over the weekend and Monday, but was dry yesterday - while Four Mile Creek is going great guns; enough to foam when it travels over a few rocks. The "ugly" pine trees I described are still sitting out in the backyard - I went over and read their tags, so I can report that they are "Vanderwulf Limber Pyramid Pines."

I have "recovered " almost all of my files on this PC - all I have left to do is program the thing for downloads from my camera, otherwise, everything else seems to be OK. I took photos yesterday of the fox den, all four dogs, the Creek, and one of the nesting holes in the crab apple tree. I hope to download them and share them soon. It's going to be in the mid-70s today and above 80 tomorrow; it's currently 50 outside. I have the window wide open, and the patio door is half open. Banichi is prowling the fence line, sniffing each patch of grass, but not trying to eat any of it. Lovey is enjoying the sun and keeps talking to me, trying to get me to come outside and sit in the sun on the patio with her. Other than walking the Irish kids, there's a dearth of jobs out there - I'm next scheduled to house-sit around May 12th for the shuttle launch; and then the next engagement is June 12th and 13th.... The economy has definitely slowed in Boulder!!

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