Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yesterday was a grey, cloudy and humid day here; we finally got relief with a 45 minute down-pour around 5 p.m. Today is bright and sunny, and currently there is a nice breeze tossing the tree tops. The weather folks say we'll reach 88 today and about 97 tomorrow, with very low humidity. My one gripe today is that Boo, who is 8 years old, still does not know that she shouldn't jump on people. Well, actually, I'm sure she's heard "No!" and "Bad dog!" enough over the past 8 years to understand that she is doing something undesirable - but it seems she just can't control herself. And I think the only reason I'm complaining about it is because she jumped on me first thing this morning, and put great big muddy paw prints across the crotch and hips of my one pair of clean shorts; after I changed, she did it again to my one pair of clean jeans. So I had to make a trip back to my apartment, and wash and dry two loads of clothes, so I could have clean bottoms again. I was going to do laundry Wednesday evening - but I had to move it up into a spot when I planned to be putting together my new book shelves and, hopefully, getting some of my books on the shelves. Since our apartment building is open, and since it's the first days of students being back, and since we've got 5 homeless guys hanging around, I had to spend the washing and drying time in the laundry room, as a few residents' belongings have disappeared from there recently. (I know... grumble, grumble, grumble....)
The kits have been very loving yesterday and today. I had thought I would take them to Kathy and Jim's but when Kathy once again changed the dates and times of their absence, I decided to keep the kits at home rather than take them to the Snow house for 3 nights, back home for 2 nights, and then back at the Snow house for another 2, only to return home again. It's weird enough for me; the kits don't need such an active "moving" pattern. If we'd been going over for an extended stay, it would have been fine - but they don't need all the back-and-forth-ing. Suki and Boo have been great, as usual, except for Boo's leaping up (which is usual for her). Rosie and Remy have been super, but Rosie is upset about the construction in their backyard. Joel had told me that the construction would begin tomorrow, Wednesday; but the guys were there yesterday. They built a fence to keep the dogs out of the construction area, but leaving them free to run in the south end of the backyard. Today Rosie refuses to go out into the backyard. The work crew has pulled up the deck flooring already, and they are planning to dig and set the piers for the new floor, where the dining area is being bumped out about 4 or 5 feet. The crew loves dogs. The dogs love people. Remy is the dog everyone worried about - he's fine with the workmen and all the construction. Rosie is the one who's upset. .... Ooohhhh, boooy...... So I'm going to have the red kids at Suki and Boo's for most of tomorrow morning. I'll take them back around noon, and if the dogs get too upset, either Nancy or Joel will call me, and I'll go grab the Rs and take them back to the Snow house. ... Right now, I'm just looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again tomorrow night. (Whine, whine, whine...)

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