Monday, November 29, 2010

Goodbye, Leslie Neilsen

I was very sorry to hear of the death of one of my favorite actors yesterday. Leslie William Neilsen died from complications of pneumonia in a hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Most people, these days, remember Nielsen as a superb comedian in multiple movies. When I think of Leslie Neilsen, however, I am immediately transported to South Carolina during the American Revolution - and I see him as Francis Marion, "The Swamp Fox." Working for Disney from 1959 through 1961, Leslie Neilsen was, for me (as a child), the epitome of the American hero. Of course, Neilsen was a Canadian-born actor, from the union of a Welsh mother and a Danish father (who was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police), not American. But he was a magnificent actor, whether it was live TV, on stage, or on film. I did have to laugh at a clip shown today - he was asked what he wanted as his epitaph, and he said: "Let 'em rip!" and then blew a raspberry. Then he laughed.
It was very chilly here this morning - I took care of Ooch and loved on him for an hour, and then I wandered over to Rosie and Remy's and took them out for our hour walk. As I wrote earlier, it was cold, and I couldn't stay out in it for more than an hour. I took the Rs home, and then came home and collapsed. I could not get warm. I was under all the bed covers, had on a sweatsuit, and had both kits on top of me, and I didn't begin to feel warm until after 4 this afternoon. I began sneezing and coughing yesterday, and one side of my nose is stopped up. I had chicken noodle soup for lunch and dinner - I hope it helps!

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