Saturday, November 27, 2010

Greeted by a Twelve-Point Buck

When I went to visit Tugger and Sasquatch this morning, I was greeted by a twelve-point buck in the front yard and a doe in the side yard. Looking up, I saw that both cats were watching the deer graze while they were comfortably ensconced on living room window sills. The buck took two steps away from me, but the doe had an injured left hind hoof, and she didn't move an inch - even though I had to pass with 2 feet of her. I do love wildlife! Sasquatch had left me a hairball on the landing, but otherwise everything was fine. I fed and medicated the kits, cleaned their litter boxes, and left a note for their people. Then I visited Ooch. He is such a sweetheart! At 20, he's thin and occasionally a bit tottery - but he is always talking to me, and begging for attention. After I finished my chores around his house, I sat down and held him in my lap and loved, petted, and stroked him. His purr is so rumbly these days that I thought he'd shake himself to pieces. I left him sitting in the front window, soaking up sunshine.
My kits greeted me with enthusiasm, as if I hadn't spent all night in bed with them... Lovey and Nedi wanted much more love and attention, and I was very happy to supply it. Then we curled up and took an early nap together. This afternoon, the kits have been allowed to run in and out because of the warm temperature (55 degrees). The temperatures when I arose the last four mornings tell a tale: 4 degrees on Wednesday, 6 on Thursday, 11 Friday, and 25 this morning. We're in a warm up! If the wind isn't blowing, I find the temperatures comfortable. It is when the wind blows that my ears, chin, and fingers are not happy. The kits don't seem to care - as long as they can get in and out - unless it's less than 10 degrees outside; then they want to stay indoors and nap.

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