Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Ceiling Leak

Today started off with the sun, but clouds are building up, and the temperature is beginning to drop.  I started out a little earlier than usual, but as I was heading out the door, I heard snapping sounds from the foot of my bed.  That just didn't make sense, so I turned back to investigate - and found that my ceiling was leaking.  I was afraid that the couple upstairs might have a waterbed, and that was what was watering me, so I ran upstairs and knocked.  Turns out she had just over-watered her Norfolk pine, and there was a huge puddle on the floor under it.  She had no idea that it was leaking downstairs and through my ceiling.  She's getting a pot to set the pine in, so it won't drip anymore.  The leaking had stopped by the time I got back into my apartment, so I decided not to report it -yet.  I'll keep an eye on the spot, and if it continues to leak, I'll caulk it myself.
The red kids were eager to go this morning, and I had to discourage them several times from trying to chase the squirrels.  We had a good, long walk, because our high tomorrow is only forecast at 20 degrees, and I won't walk the dogs in that.  Plus it's supposed to start snowing this evening and continue until noon tomorrow - they say we'll get 5 to 14 inches - it just depends on how the front moves.  My ATM card expired at the end of this month, so I stopped by the Credit Union and got another one, so I wouldn't be without a source of money for New Years.  Then I stopped by the Barnes and Noble store and grabbed their last copy of Sports Illustrated, and continued on to Target, where I finished getting stocking stuffers.  Then back here and hot food.  The kits both ran out when I arrived, but both came right back inside - I don't know if they can sense the coming storm, or if it's just too chilly for outside play.

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