Saturday, December 3, 2011

More Snow?

We actually reached 34 degrees yesterday, and Nedi spent the afternoon running like a maniac from inside the apartment out to the fence, through the snow, and back.  I slept in this morning, having read until 2 a.m.  I awoke at 8:30 to find 4 new inches of snow on the ground, and it's still falling.  The snow is supposed to stop around 6 tonight, and then start back up Sunday evening and snow through Monday.  But the temperature is forecast to be almost 40 on Tuesday - The owners of Rosie and Remy and I have already had a talk, and agree that I'll walk the kids again late Tuesday morning, after I see my psychiatrist.    Other than taking out the trash and the dirty kitty litter each morning, I've stayed inside since the snow began.  But I'll have to go to the grocery store today or tomorrow to get kitty crunchies and some more Coca-Cola.
In the news:  The female eagle NX, who lost her mother to a plane, and was then raised at the Wildlife Center of Virginia near Waynesboro, has been found  injured.  NX was spotted in the middle of the road near Ophelia, at 10:45 p.m. Thursday night.  Her siblings were released in July, while she went out on her own in August.  She has been taken to a wildlife rehabilitator in the Northern Neck of Virginia, with a reported "wing droop and blood in her mouth."  ..... And I'm happy to report that the three college students who beat a raccoon to death with a baseball bat, hockey stick and machete were all charged with aggravated animal cruelty.  They will face trial on January 19, and I hope they are severely punished.

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