Saturday, March 15, 2014

Little Bits

Wow.  I did not expect to see the martyrdom of Saint Swithin on Vikings Thursday night.  I had seen the Bishop admonish Athelstan in the preview, but hadn't realized his name until the Vikings started shooting arrows into him.  - And I only know about Saint Swithin from reading about the Early Church in England, and about the history of the Viking invasions in England. - It was almost like the jolt of reaction I had to hearing Donel Logue's voice on Law And Order: SVU on Wednesday night...
  Spent last night with Boo, and began the first of four books by Robin Hobb in The Rain Wild Chronicles, which is a continuation of the stories from The Liveship Traders. This woman is a fantastic writer!  Her ideas, and the complex weaving of the stories are totally enthralling. If you ever want to lose yourself in another world or different time, read a Robin Hobb book!
  The weather forecast called for a sunny morning, and a combination of rain and/or snow this afternoon.  The wind started blowing in from the northwest last night, and we have a cloudy grey sky.  It's 45 degrees out, but the wind is constantly blowing, so the wind chill is 28 at the moment.  My kits ran around outside for an hour after I returned home this morning, and are both curled up in my bed at the moment.
   As my husband was Irish, I want to wish you a wonderful weekend of celebrating St. Patrick's Day - but please do so carefully.  Have a designated driver.  Don't drink and drive.  Don't get high and drive.  Be safe, both for yourself and everyone else.  Thanks.

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