Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday Mish-Mash

It's a beautiful Saturday morning - slightly overcast, and more humid than usual, but very pretty.  I've arrived at Lynn's, walked the dog, put her dirty dishes in the dish washer, fed the fish, and taken a new type of food over to the Snow house for Boo to try.  I've also opened the majority of windows on the ground floor of the house, and have the French doors open and the screen doors closed…  I much prefer fresh air!  I can hear the water fall emptying into the koi pond, and multiple birds singing.  I can also watch the drift of the cottonwood seeds in the air and across the yard.
  Lovey and Nedi were not happy when I left them this morning - I managed to put my alarm clock in the overnight bag without Lovey seeing me do it, but she knew something was up.  After walking Tess again, I'll go pick up Beatrice, and we'll have brunch - possibly at Turley's, possibly at the Cheesecake Factory.  Leslie Kinder's memorial service yesterday afternoon was extremely moving - I cried several times.  She was only 53 years old, and it just seems incredible that she's already left us.  I cared for Peaches, her yellow Lab, for about a year, before the dog succumbed to cancer.  And I'll never forget how delighted Leslie when she read my copy of The History of the Fork.  We both found it interesting and unusual.
  I'll try to finish up my State Parks postings this weekend - but I'm much more confident on my PC than on Lynn's, so we'll see what develops - two different operating systems occasionally confuses my mind.  I am saddened over the loss of four of Lynn's carp - she says she had a catastrophic pump failure  and came home to find the pond water bubbling as if in a caldron, and her four largest fish floating dead on the surface…  The pond still doesn't look right - the workers put in a new load of gravel on the bottom, and have shelved it so high on one side that the fish can't even swim in the area….
  And I'm hoping that the Denver metro area will calm down over the weekend.  I was invited to a dinner with Senator Mark Udall this evening, but I can't afford $1,000 for a dinner plate of food I probably couldn't eat…  I did contribute to his campaign earlier in the week, when Cory Gardner said something that made me angry with him.  I'm always angry and upset with Gardner, but this was a more stupid than usual statement about women.
   Have a wonderful weekend!

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