Thursday, September 25, 2014

Costs and Critters

Ouch!  The bill for Lynn's cistern pump fix was $2,222; the estimate to repair the scrape on the passenger side of the Lexus is $2,400...  I am so happy that I do not own Lynn's home or car.  We did agree, however, that I'll drive the Prius (instead of the Lexus) when she's out of town in the future.  She's trying to find out if it will be less expensive to pay for the repairs out-of-pocket, or, if she reports it to her insurance company, if her rates will rise,and, if so, by how much.  In other words, which will be less expensive in the long run.  She thinks her coverage rates will rise, and stay up, for 3 to 5 years if she reports the damage as an "accident."  I am so happy I'm not to blame for the scrape in the parking lot, or for the failure of her old water pump.  (It's one nice thing about being an employee, and living in an apartment.)
   Lovey is sticking to me like glue this morning - Nedi has had several loving sessions, but he's back outside again.  Pounce slept with me last night, and was quite a nice bed companion.  I'm trying to spend at least an hour each day giving love and attention to Belle.  I thinks she's not been getting her affection needs met since Shirley passed away 6 weeks ago.  She's very shy, but eats up the attention once she realizes that I'm gentle and not going "to do anything" to her.  Poor girl; she really misses her "Mommy" - and so do I.  Shirley and I had great conversations about books and poetry, old movies, travel, and history.  Tipsi is his usual, saucy self, and demands food service on his own schedule.  Cooper and Lola are always so excited to go for our twice a day walks that it's almost frightening.  The ABC's family will return about 9 Friday night, and then I'll have two weeks at home with the kits before I'm off, house-sitting, again.  And, I'm also walking Rosie and Lucy each weekday; Lucy had an ultrasound on Tuesday, so I need to find out the results, and what her owners want to do about her exercise.
  The Breeders Cup races are approaching, and I'm getting excited to see the best of the best race.  And the Jockey Gold Cup race is this weekend - a very deep field of 12 horses are entered.  It should be an excellent contest.

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