Monday, November 28, 2016

300 Acre Wildfire

I must admit that I read a book all afternoon, turned on the television to watch Jeopardy! and then checked my e-mails and news headlines.  It wasn't until half-way through tonight's episode of Gotham that any notice of the wildfire appeared.  When the news crawl at the bottom of the screen said it was on Green Mountain, I went out onto the balcony and looked at Green - no sign of fire, so I guessed it was on the southwest side.  Ten minutes later, the news crawl said the fire was on Green Mountain in Lakewood - not Boulder.  
   It's a brush fire and has burnt over 300 acres so far.  Evacuations are in effect, and evacuees are to report to the Creighton Middle School.  It's been windy all day, and is still quite breezy tonight...
   Even though we had snow on the 17th of November, and have had a few rain showers since, we are still in the midst of a drought.  We've been dry, and much warmer than normal, for several months.  It looks like the drought is making us pay attention to it, again....

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