Friday, September 19, 2008

Keith Olberman's Donation

A late night post because I'll probably be too busy and/or tired to blog later. Am helping out at a garage sale this morning - with plans on leaving it at noon, so I can watch the Gators play on TV.

I did enjoy watching Keith Olberman writing a check for $3,700.00 to the charity of his choice tonight - he made a pledge last Friday that whenever he caught Sarah Palin repeating her lies about "the bridge to nowhere", about selling the governor's plane on e-bay, and about firing the governor's chef, he would pay $100 for each lie. His staff found 37 this week, so he happily wrote the check on the air and sealed the stamped envelope. If, however, Palin continues to talk the way she has this week, perhaps Mr. Olberman will be constrained to reduce the amount of his pledge - there are still quite a few more weeks before the actual election.

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