Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2009 Pony Penning Day!!

This entry will be rather short, as I am preparing to move in with the red kids. It's nice and cool here in Boulder at 5:40 a.m.; on Chincoteague, it's 73 degrees and the humidity is 96 %. I'm sure the ambulances will be kept busy with heat and dehydration victims. The Pony Swim Shuttles started running at 5 a.m. (which was 2 hours and 40 minutes ago, my time...) - and I've been struck with what I call my usual Pony Penning madness - even tho' I'm not there, I've woken up every 45 minutes, with my mind screeching, "Is it time to get up yet?" Slack tide is expected to occur around 9 a.m., which is when the actual swim will begin - by now, the Saltwater Cowboys (or round-up men) will have the herd on the move from the Tom's Cove holding pens on their way to Old Dominion Point on Assateague. As soon as the US Coast Guard signals that the tide is slack, the mounted riders will whoop and holler and crack their bull whips and start the herd moving for the water. After the swim across the channel, the ponies will be allowed to rest for an hour before they are herded down Beebe Road and north on Main Street to the carnival Grounds. The auction of the foals will begin tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.
I will try to post photos from this morning's swim later this afternoon or this evening.... I hope everything goes well for the ponies and for the round-up men!

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