Monday, October 12, 2009


As soon as I turned the light off last night, I heard Banichi talking to me as he brought me his shoe string. Lovey was already curled up on my knees and purring away. I let 'Nichi drape his string across my face, then placed it beside him on the left side of the bed, after I had praised him for sharing his most precious item - he always sleeps next to or on my heart. I slept for over 10 hours, and with the kits to snuggle and cuddle with, I was completely relaxed. But I feel odd this morning - my head doesn't seem right and I just feel peculiar (- even for me!). I enjoyed the brisk air as I walked over to the grocery store and purchased kitty food, kitty treats and kitty litter - but once inside the store, I felt as if I was going to pass out; and I felt that way all the way back home, too. I've taken my meds, I've had blueberry pancakes for breakfast - but I just don't feel what I consider to be "right." Lovey is sitting on the corner of the desk, with her eyes closed, and is weaving slightly to the rhythm of her purrs. Banichi is sitting on the top of the cat tree contemplating Gimpy, who is happily eating nuts just within the doorway. I plan on staying quietly at home today and tomorrow - I cancelled walking the Rs last night.

I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the Broncos' football game yesterday afternoon. Between both teams wearing replicas of uniforms from 50 years ago, and the referees doing so as well, to the fact that Denver beat Tom Brady and and the Patriots, I was all smiles. Fifty years ago, the Broncos and Patriots played against each other in the first AFC match-up in Boston. The Patriots came with white uniforms and helmets with a Minuteman hiking the ball on them. The Broncos wore yellow and chocolate brown - yellow jerseys with chocolate numbers, brown pants with yellow stripes, the helmets looked like brown M & Ms on the players' heads, and then they had yellow and chocolate vertically striped socks! Some of the players twisted the socks as they put them on, so that there were spirals running up their legs - it was wild looking! - And quite unlike the orange, blue and white that I'm used to seeing. - The referees were wearing red and white vertically striped shirts with black collars and cuffs, and white pants - they were certainly a sight to see, especially since their numbers were in red and white stripes, too ( - the reverse of their shirt stripes)... Anyway, it was a good game, and I'm proud of the Bronco defense and offense.

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