Thursday, July 22, 2010

Using a Small Notebook...

Gee, this seems really strange - I'm blogging on an Acer Aspire One, thanks to Yoshi and Aiko's family, and this tiny screen, with large keys, is just weird to me. The boys are asleep at my feet; since Keith Olbermann has a guest host tonight, I'm not watching Countdown, but am here in the world wide web. Kathy is due over in a few minutes, and I just received an e-mail from the red kids' Mom asking me to take them in for an hour, as she is having a non-dog person over for company for an hour or so this evening. Joel and Max are in New York for their Mom and Grandmom's funeral, and Nancy is trying to get everything ready for the trip to Europe next week. The kits were very happy to see me this morning - Lovey immediately ran out and caught a three-inch-long grasshopper, which she brought back alive and turned loose on my chest. I'm very glad it didn't get inside my shirt. The grasshopper set Neddy crazy and then he had to hunt and kill it. I really think that Lovey's maternal instinct has kicked in with Neddy, as she brings live things in for him to kill, while she looks on approvingly. Thankfully she seems to remember that I don't like her killing warm-blooded things, as she has, so far anyway, only produced insects for Neddy. They both seemed abashed that I left them only after 4 hours, but I needed to check on other critters. Karen is due back tonight, so I won't have to play chicken with Perle, the rooster, any longer; he chases Karen, but I stand my ground, and he's finally getting the idea that he can't make me do what he wants. Have a good night!

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