Tuesday, September 18, 2012

From the Same Romney Fund-Raiser:

I cringed when Romney made the gaffes he did when he visited Europe this summer at the beginning of the Olympics.  In this new video, Mitt Romney tells donors the Middle East will "remain an unsolved problem... and we kick the ball down the field".  The video is from the same event as a clip released on Monday, in which Mr Romney says almost half of Americans "believe that they are victims".
** The leak comes seven weeks before the US presidential election.**
The new footage was posted today (Tuesday) on the website of the liberal investigative magazine Mother Jones, which said it was taken at a fundraiser in May in Boca Raton, Florida.  Mr. Romney is shown saying that Palestinians are "committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel".
"The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace," he says, adding that "the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish".
   Mitt Romney's unguarded and undiplomatic remarks may reinforce the perception that he is an ingenue in the art of foreign affairs, with harsher views than he dare express in public. Still, what he has said is more likely to provoke reactions in the region he is talking about than at home, where many conservatives may share his views.
   It is still his suggestion that nearly half the American people he seeks to represent are losers living off the government, that will continue to resonate here. Again, it is about image - he has played into the hands of Democrats who want to portray him as rich and out of touch.
   It has been widely reported that there has been panic in his camp because of the post-convention Obama bump in the opinion polls. Under 50 days away from polling day, no candidate wants to be hastily refocusing their campaign amid a barrage of stories about catastrophic gaffes.
   In another clip, the former Massachusetts governor is shown discussing Iran's nuclear program, and warning that America itself could come under attack.  "If I were Iran - a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we'll just say, 'Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we're going to let off a dirty bomb'."
   This person wants to lead our country?  Where all persons are created equal (except females)?  I'm sure the timing of the leak was considered closely by the folks at Mother Jones - and I must say they held their cards close to their chest for a good while.  Romney frightens me even more, now.

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