Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Honest to God rain!  We had a few spits of rain yesterday afternoon, and about a 30 minute shower around 8 p.m.  It started to rain gently, but persistently, after midnight, and it is still raining!  How marvelous!  The Flatirons and mountains are completely hidden by the mist and clouds.  The dogs don't get walked when it rains, so I'm home with Lovey and Nedi.  We're going to take a nap together.  Of course, I'll be back, sleeping at home tomorrow night - but a nice nap in falling rain is a perfect way to pass time.  I see my MD this afternoon - she called and requested a follow-up visit, but didn't say regarding what....  And I've got a weird spot on my face for her to look at.
  Lovey is in the cat tree, and Nedi just came running back inside, spraying water everywhere...  His feet are soaked, and he has little "pearls" of water all over his body.  At least they aren't afraid to get wet!

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