Friday, December 28, 2012

A Warmer Day

We actually hit freezing today; it's the warmest we've been all week.  I've taken care of Tugger and Sasquatch, visited my kits, and had a late lunch with Bea today.  Rosie, Remy and I slept downstairs last night, with me hoping that would give Remy some relief from going upstairs to sleep.  He slept at my feet, but he kept waking me up and trying to get me to go upstairs.  We'll try sleeping upstairs tonight, and see what happens.
  I shoveled a drifting of snow off the sidewalks here and at Tugger and Sasquatch's house this morning.  Since it was 15 degrees out, I had my long johns on, plus jeans, a long sleeved shirt, two pairs of wool socks (and my snow boots), my quilted coat, hat, scarf and mittens - twenty minutes after I finished, I had a sore throat.  Did I over-dress?  Has my chronic bronchitis decided to flare up?  At least I haven't had an asthma attack recently...  I'm just bummed because I felt so great this morning, and now feel awfully puny - and tomorrow is the day the family is gathering to celebrate Christmas.  I don't want to be ill.  I don't like to be ill.  I had chicken and fettucine Alfredo for lunch, and I hope that chicken noodle soup tonight and tomorrow for breakfast will make me feel better.
  Yea!  It's the week end!

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