Friday, January 11, 2013

The Flu; Bits and Pieces

After speaking with Nancy after walking Rosie yesterday, we decided that I should take these four days off, as it's not supposed to be above freezing and there's quite a breeze blowing today. Actually, I was feeling pretty good yesterday, though still coughing; but after 60 minutes of jogging and walking as fast as I could behind Rosie, I just collapsed yesterday afternoon. When I arrived home last night, I watched Person of Interest and went immediately to bed; and I didn't crawl out until 7:40 this morning. Once again I feel like I've been smushed flat by an eighteen wheeler. I have wandered over to the grocery store and purchased more G2 (low calorie Gatorade), and goodies for the cats, squirrels, crows and ravens. The kits have been wandering around outside, but since both came back in a few minutes ago, I have closed the patio door. I had called my doctor yesterday in hopes of telling her how I was caring for myself and asking for pointers, but I was told a nurse would call me back. I told the young man to be certain that whoever called, called after 11:30 a.m., and that they call me at Aiko and Yoshi's house. When I returned home last night, I found they had called back at 10 a.m. and left a message on my home number. I am not going to call them again today.
   Bits and pieces: The Boulder District Attorney has said that no charges will be brought "this week" against the two Boulder police officers who killed Edward the Elk and hauled him away for slaughter. .... It seems that the crazy young man who went on his shooting spree in the Aurora movie theater will be arraigned for trial on all counts brought against him either today or Monday. .... The National Western Stock Show parade in downtown Denver yesterday drew a huge crowd. .... Denver is holding a huge Pep Rally this evening at 5 p.m. to celebrate "United in Orange" for the Broncos prior to their game against the Ravens tomorrow afternoon. .... After Sandy, it was quite surprising to read that the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's health report card on the Bay is up by a full point. That means the entire Bay area (water, ecosystems) is 10% cleaner than it was 5 years ago. That's wonderful news!
  I re-read Riptide yesterday. Today I'll start on one of the Jack Whyte Knights Templar books that I checked out from the public library. Once I've finished that I'll start on his Camulod series, as I now have the first four books. - I really do love The Bookworm - it's a fantastic used bookstore!

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