Saturday, February 9, 2013

Books and Snow (?)

It's 28 degrees and sunny outside, but we're expecting wind and snow this afternoon. The western slopes, where the majority of the ski resorts are, have been getting snow since yesterday, and folks are driving like mad to go ski. The only problem is there is an accident on I-70, the only open, main road to the west, and only one of 4 west-bound lanes is open. I wonder how many folks will just return home? With Boulder sitting in the valley just to the east of the Front Range, more than likely we'll see very little of the snow that is forecast - it'll all fall on the west side of the mountains, and then further to the east, over the Plains. I would love to have the "Nemo" storm the northeast is dealing with, because we need the moisture/snow/sleet/rain.
  Nedi and Lovey have been running in and out - I've fed the squirrels and ravens, and laid in an extra supply of their goodies, just in case we do have a good snowfall. The kits have been enjoying my forced inactivity - I've spent a lot of time in my reading chair or in bed, perusing books. I finished The Man on a Donkey, and went on to read Wolf Hall; now I'm reading Sovereign and have 8 more books lined up to read behind it... Thank goodness for books! I get so much enjoyment from them. I can understand the use of e-books, and how much paper they save - but I love to have a book in my hands, and to be able to turn the pages... You just can't do that with a Kindle or Nook reader....

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