Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Arm Opened Like a Giant Banana Peel....

I had one of my really strange and vivid dreams this morning.  I don't know where I was, but I had glanced down, and noticed what I thought were movements under the skin of my right wrist, on the side where the thumb joins the hand.  I kept watching my wrist, and saw more movement under the skin.  I started poking at the movement, and trying to stretch the skin around, not really expecting anything to happen.  A teeny, tiny slit appeared in my skin, and a small greenish head with two dark brown eyes looked out at me, blinked, and then disappeared back into my arm.  The slit disappeared and the movement I thought I had seen ceased.  Wow, I thought...  there's an alien living inside of me.  A few days passed, in the dream, and then I saw more movement under the skin of my wrist.  I visited my sister, and told her what I had observed the other day - she told me I was full of manure, but using a much shorter word for manure.  I insisted  that I wasn't lying to her, and she refused to look at my arm to see the movements under the skin.
  I began poking and pulling at the skin on my wrist as I had done before.  I had to show my sister I wasn't insane.  After a few minutes, things started to move under the skin of my forearm - and my sister say it.  She was dumbfounded.  I kept pushing and poking at the area where the slit had appeared the last time, and it finally began to open up...   At first it was only a couple of inches long, and my sister said, "Oh my God..." as a pale greenish shield-shaped head slid out of my arm.  The nose was the bottom point of the battle-shield shaped head, and the eyes were dark and shiney and placed about two-thirds of the way up the sides of the shield.  Between the eyes and running in a thick mane down the long thin neck were tubular tentacles in bright scarlet and neon blue that pulsated and waved about as if they were separate entities from the lizard itself.  What was even more frightening, to me, was that with exposure to the atmosphere, the lizard was suddenly doubling, then quadrupling, then exploding into a huge size.  As this became apparent, my arm opened like a giant banana peel and five of the creatures appeared.  I remember being surprised that my arm didn't hurt at all - that it just felt as if some kind of pressure had been released.  I could look inside, and my ulna and radius looked like small steel bars with a few veins wrapped around them...  I kept wondering how I was going to make my arm close back up and look "normal" again.
   In the meantime, my sister was screaming as the five lizards crawled out of my arm and all five expanded to the size of a six-foot-long alligator.  They all had grey-green skin, with a pale underbelly, clawed and toed feet, and that weird mane of moving tentacles.  I somehow knew that the manes were poisonous, and I warned my sister not to let them touch her.  She finally ran like mad for the front door of her house.  I was trying to figure out how to wrap the skin back around my arm, when I heard a big hiss - just like gators make.  I slowly turned and looked at the first lizard to emerge, and... Lyra, the cat walked across me and I awoke.   Weird.  Really weird.

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