Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Flu Attacks

Wow. I actually made it over to Finn and Skippy's yesterday, but spent most of the morning at the Urgent Care Center. I did have a temperature of 103, so I'm on antibiotics for the infection in my lungs and sinuses. I spent yesterday afternoon and evening on the sofa in the living room, being groomed by Skippy (who thinks that my ears need a serious cleaning), playing with Finn, and reading Crossfire, the last Dick Francis novel. I hadn't realized that what I was taught to call a "counter-canter" is what the British call a crossfire. It was cool to learn something new. I've been drinking the watered Gatorade, and eating chicken noodle soup, Jello, and ice cream... Hopefully, I'll feel better soon. In any event, I did not walk Rosie, Remy or Lucy yesterday or today. I think that I'll feel like doing so tomorrow (cross my fingers). Getting ready to pack up Lovey and Nedi, so they will have 6000+ square feet to play in...

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