Thursday, June 7, 2012

One Heck of a Storm

Boulder missed out on the worst of a storm that rolled in yesterday.  We got a lot of wind, a lot of lightning and thunder, and a smidgen of rain.  In several areas around, in, and near Denver, they got up to 8 inches of hail...  Rain, snow, sleet, fog, I'm happy to have.  Hail, no.  I had lived in my apartment for 5 weeks when we had a hail storm here - it was in the low 80s, and we had the hail storm roll in.  I watched the hail absolutely pelting the ground, seemingly hitting from every direction - it was like watching an old war movie and seeing the ground being strafed by machine gun bullets.  It took the lawn 2 years  to recover - and, with more than an inch of hail on the ground, the temperature dropped to 30 degrees. I was amazed at the change.   Today, we are expecting nasty weather again in the late afternoon and/or evening - winds blowing at up to 70 mph, thunder, lightning, hail, and possible tornadoes.  Oh, boy....
  My kits are outside right now - the crows and ravens are silent, so I'm assuming they are checking out their nests, and possibly re-building them.  Lovey and Nedi are the best kits in the world!  I truly miss sleeping with them - but I've had Dhisana in bed with me the last two nights, and she lays along my legs like Lovey does.  That gives me a little bit of comfort.  I'll get to sleep with them Monday night, in between Aiko and Yoshi care and Rosie and Remy care.  Tomorrow evening, when I stop caring for Tess and the Thore kits, I start taking care of the Ooch-mon, and I add Brett's cats on Monday (if his boss doesn't renege on his vacation again...).
  I've been keeping busy looking up the birth parents and family tree of an adopted friend....  and I've looked at the pedigrees of the horses running against I'll Have Another in the Belmont Stakes.  I still have to think about them, but I do hope we have a Triple Crown champion on Saturday!

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