Friday, November 27, 2015

Snowy, Cold Thanksgiving

It started snowing, lightly, Wednesday night; it's almost noon on Friday, and it's still lightly snowing.  We've had about six inches fall so far - very light, fluffy, icy stuff.  Lovey has declined to step out onto the balcony, while Nedi goes out about three times a day.  Since our high temperatures have been in the teens, and the lows in the single digits, Nedi hasn't stayed outside more than 5 minutes at a time (at his discretion).
  Beatrice had to work a four-hour shift yesterday, from 1 until 5 p.m.; she's working noon 'til 9 tonight.  I've had it easy - Only had to go to the Dellwood house once yesterday and today - the cats are inside, so I clean the litter box, and make sure they have plenty of food and water; the hens are in the coop, and I make sure they have water and feed. Both sets of critters will be allowed out tomorrow, when we're supposed to get up to 30 degrees (F).  Yesterday we stayed below 25 degrees, and today we'll stay below 20.  Brrrrrrr.
  At least we're all enjoying the warmth of the new apartment, and the new space heater - even the cats.  Bea bought each of them an insulated and self-warming bed a couple of weeks ago, and we've placed them near the space heater in the living room.  Seems like the kitties have been glued there.
  For Thanksgiving yesterday, I fixed a small brown sugar glazed ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, honey glazed carrots, green beans with bacon, home made drop biscuits, pumpkin pie, and fresh gingerbread.  It was fantastic.   Then we had the biscuits, gravy, and ham for breakfast, too...  Yum.
    Having the "On Demand" service on our television is addictive.  I don't watch many shows - the daily local news and Jeopardy! - but I used to make sure I was sitting down and watching a specific program at a certain time on a certain night.  Now I can see my five shows at any time, and it's terribly gratifying, some how.   Which five shows?  Currently, NCIS. The Blacklist, Blue Bloods, How To Get Away With Murder, and Gotham.  In a few months, I'll have to add Vikings to the list.
   Oh, well - I'm reading, doing research, and playing with my kits and  all the critters I care for, otherwise.  It's not a bad life.

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